August 20, 2010

what is.... IS

this couldnt come at a more right / accurate time
i was talking with my bestie about reasons of abandoning this space here
i came up with the reason that, i only write (read : vent) when i am down, sad, emo, angered and i just simply couldnt write when i am happy (and other being, lack of time for it / lazy)

but now i am superstressed out.. so much so, i am thinking my current recurring stomach cramps are of stress induced

tell me, when is A is not A?
i know, i know, there's always a grey spot. which i totally believe in. but terms & c that are written by legal people, approved by those who have a voice in a company, people so high up and these t&c is applied to everyfreakingbody, don't try to wing it. even if you wanna be the bigger person. you just can't let it slide. i just don't know how more to explain to these imbeciles. asking the same question again and again wont change the fact.

on top of that, i couldnt help but felt a little more than incapacitated.
when u try to do you job well, and get it done by the books, people who are not in favour of it, always take the easy way out - "you are to be accountable, you solely, whatever shit that comes with it, it's all yours."

what is right, is right. doesn't matter to me if you are so blinded to accept a fact or for whatever reason you cannot allow such things to happen because you-are-oh-so-nice.
i believe one should take some pride in their own accountability and try to work things together, rather than pushing it all away

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